NFO period: 29th November - 13th December, 2019
Highlights of the NFO:
- Scheme type - An open-ended retirement solution oriented scheme having a lock-in of 5 years or till retirement age (whichever is earlier)
- Investment objective - The investment objective of the Investment Plan(s) under the scheme is to provide long-term capital appreciation / income by investing in a mix of equity, debt and other instruments to help investors meet their retirement goals. However, there can be no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be achieved. To generate regular income through investments predominantly in debt and money market instruments and to generate long term capital appreciation by investing certain portion of the portfolio in equity and equity related securities. The Investment Plan may also invest in units of Gold ETF or units of REITs & InvITs for income generation / wealth creation. Each of the Investment Plan(s) will be managed as separate portfolios.
- Product suitability - The product is suitable for investors who are seeking capital appreciation & income generation over long term by investing in debt and money market instruments as well as equity and equity related instruments.
- Minimum Application Amount - First investment is Rs. 5,000/- and in multiple of Rs. 1/- thereafter
- Plan/ Options available - Regular Plan and Direct Plan having Growth Option and Dividend Payout Option.
- Fund Managers - Mr. Jinesh Gopani, Mr. R. Sivakumar and Mr. Hitesh Das (for Foreign Securities)
- Benchmark - NIFTY 50 Hybrid Short Duration Debt 25:75 Index
(Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.)